31 Jul

Meyer Lansky-“I think we can make some money with this. It better be good. I don’t like wasting my time. I got things to do.

How would gangsters like Capone, Gotti, Lansky and Castellano react to Artificial Intelligence? This is how I think they would respond.

”Al Capone-“AI? What the fuck is that? Hey, Nitty hit him with the bat.”

John Gotti-“Fuck AI. It’s Costra Nostra, now and forever. Why don’t you MF’s go earn some money? Anybody mention this sh*t to me again and I’ll cancel their contract.”

Paul Castellano-“I think Meyer is right. Could be a good thing. We go to these AI guys, learn everything we can, whack em all and take over.”

How would your favorite gangster deal with A.I?

If you liked this you will love the book Secrets of the Mob.

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