05 Jun

Joseph Bonanno-Man of Honor

Mafia is a process ,not a thing. Mafia is a form of clan - cooperation to which it's individual members pledge lifelong loyalty....Friendship, connections, family ties, trust, loyalty, obedience - this was the glue that held us together. Joseph Bonanno

 Joseph Bonanno (also known as "Joe Bananas") was an Italian-American mobster who was born on January 18, 1905, in Castellammare del Golfo, Sicily. At 26, Bonanno was one of the youngest mafia bosses of his time. He organized and ran the Bonanno Crime family from 1931to 1968. Over fifty years in power. Quite an accomplishment for any mafioso. 

Joe’s father was involved in the mafia in their hometown of Sicily. After immigrating to America, he later met Salvatore Maranzano, who became his mentor. 

The younger and new mafioso, Luciano, Lansky and Siegel, later executed Salvatore. After his death, Joseph took control of much of his family and was involved in many of the usual businesses of the mob, including bootlegging. 

He also had many legitimate operations, including three coat manufacturing companies, laundries, cheese suppliers, funeral homes, and a trucking company. He also owned a funeral parlor. 

Joseph Bonanno retired in 1968 to his home in Tucson, Arizona, where he wrote his autobiography, Man of Honor. He died on May 11, 2002. 

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